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CGDD Publications - For the COP29 climate - November 2024

A new edition of “Key Figures on Climate” to shed light on the debate

The statistical data and studies department (SDES) of the ministries in charge of Territories, Ecology and Housing, publishes a complete overview of reference indicators on the climate issue.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing globally (+62% between 1990 and 2022), while they are decreasing in Europe and France (-31% and -27%).
  • Climate objectives : GHG emissions must be reduced by -55% for Europe and -50% for France by 2030, to limit the rise in temperatures on a global scale and remain below +2°C.
  • Emissions by sector in France in 2023 :
    Transport represents 34% of emissions and its share increased by 3% between 1990 and 2023.
    For other sectors, emissions are decreasing. Agriculture and forestry account for 20% of French emissions, manufacturing industry and construction 17%, residential and services building use and activities 16%, energy industry 9% and centralized waste processing 4%.
  • The carbon footprint of a French person is estimated at 9.4 tonnes in 2023. 56% of this footprint is associated with imports.
The "Key Figures on Climate - France, Europe and Worldwide - 2024 Edition”, on the SDES website

The essential in infographics

Download the infographic in .pdf format

To go further...

Emissions and carbon footprint of France falling in 2023

The SDES and INSEE publish a new estimate, for 2023 and over the period 1990-2023, based on a revised and more robust methodology.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions from French residents are estimated at 5.9 tonnes per person in 2023, or 403 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
    They are down 5.6% compared to 2022.
  • France’s carbon footprint is estimated at 9.4 tonnes per person, or 644 Mt CO2 eq. It falls by 4.1% compared to 2022.

How to explain the difference between GHG emissions and carbon footprint?
By imported emissions : emissions produced abroad to satisfy French demand.
In 2023, imported emissions fall by 1.4% compared to 2022 (which allows the carbon footprint to decrease), but they remain significantly higher than emissions exported by France (which fall by 12.6% in 2023).

Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of France : a significant drop in 2023
Publication in French, summary in English

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Ministries Territories Ecology Housing
General Commission for Sustainable Development
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